Sunday 13 April 2014

The brain is archaic

Dearest children,
Just now ibu attended a friend's son's wedding. These are friends during my diploma years. I have been meeting up friends from highschool years and next week would be meeting friends from my first place of work. I realised the people i know from different stages of my life are so varied. This year, i may be the oldest person in my class and i realised how cool that is. What is amazing is that i am now learning about life span development; and i feel as if it is talking about me. 
According to erik erikson's stage model i am now in the 7th stage (40 - 65 years old); the stage of generativity vs stagnation. If i fail in this stage i will be consumed with despair in my next stage; which begins at the age of 65 onwards. That's the time when i will be reviewing my life and if i perceived that my life turn out to be what i wanted it to be, then i can die happy. Of course Erikson didn't say it in that way, but that's the gist i get. 

At this present stage, i should be "established in my careers, settle down within a relationship, begin our own families and develop a sense of being a part of the bigger picture. We give back to society through raising our children, being productive at work, and becoming involved in community activities and organizations.If we fail stage, we become stagnant and feel unproductive. Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of care. "
and now....Bff..

Except the first part, i do think i have covered all bases. I didn't get to run my own firm but i guess building that company with papa is probably about the same thing; although at the back of my mind, it is still not. Human nature; we are never thankful with what we have when what we have is probably better than what we hope for.

There are certain parts of our life which sometimes feels like certain things were not resolve. But the choice is still in our hands ... if the circle seems disconnected, just draw in the connection yourself.

 ok....i meant, circle of life..not circle of stupidity :D

psychosocial stages summary table topic said the brain is archaic. It means that the brain remembers stuff regardless of how long ago the incident had happened. We remember because those memories are associated with certain emotions. If it still hurts when you remember it, then you are not over it. Then do something to associate those memories to positive emotions instead...

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