As i was driving home just now, i kept asking God "God, why do you do the things that you do? I needed to know the wisdom behind the things that you allowed to happen. Some things are so unfair. So why do you? " ... and then i change my mind and said "sorry". You don't ask God things like this when you are driving because if you get into an accident, and that would of course freak you out cos, you'd thought that's God kicking your butt for being too nosy. Anyway, driving in KL while most people are still on holiday is such a pleasurable experience that you can afford to daydream and ask profound questions...which nobody can answer. Only KL-ites can relate to that.
Maybe i am impatient to know the consequences of every action although i have seen or experienced the good that came out of that which I had perceived as terrible at that moment.
Reminded me of the story of Moses and the man in the desert...each time he got upset with the action of the man-in-the-desert, he would be reprimanded for his impatience.
He said "you will not be able to bear with me patiently. How can you bear patiently with that you have no knowledge? So don't ask until i tell you!"
...and then he made a hole in the ship they were on ...and then he killed a boy...and then he repaired a wall where the city dwellers refused to feed him... (Quran 18:67-82)
and after being bugged by Moses incessantly, the guy probably felt annoyed and said "This is the parting between us. Now I will
tell you the interpretation of that you could not bear patiently. As for the ship, it belonged to certain poor men,
who toiled upon the sea; and I desired to damage it, for behind them there was
a king who was seizing every ship by brutal force. As for the lad, his parents were believers; and we
were afraid he would impose on them insolence and unbelief; so we desired that their Lord should give to them
in exchange one better than he in purity, and nearer in tenderness. As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan lads in the city, and under
it was a treasure belonging to them. Their father was a righteous man; and your Lord desired that they should come of age and then bring forth their treasure
as a mercy from your Lord. I did it not of my own bidding. This is the
interpretation of that you could not bear patiently.’
"So, Lina don't ask until I tell you!" sez God.
I guess i will just have to wait until He unfolds it to me one day and i will go like "OoooOo ... barulah aku tak tahu..."
Good Night, God. xxxoooxx
A Licensed Counsellor in the making...
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